The crowd for the slam team's June feature at Claire de Lune's
Poetic Brew reading..
Sally Bonn at the Claire de Lune gig..
Anna Myers at the San Diego slam for her very first time..
Charlotte, lovely barrista at the Urban Grind..
Jonathan's brother, Daniel Yaffe, at his first San Diego slam..
The crowd at the July 13th SD vs. Long Beach bout..
Ben Porter-Lewis was up first for Long Beach..
Followed by R-A-C- she rocked us!
Mark Gonzales, in spokenwordoverdrive- oh yeah!
Rachel Kann knows how to work the room..
that's Marc Kokinos, host of Claire de Lune's Poetic Brew, judging.
Caleb Dark loves a good inter-team bout..
Emil Brown, coolest cat barrista at the Urban Grind..
got media? That's John Brizzolara from The Reader up front.. and behind,
Channel 10 cameraman with reporters Miya Nishikawa, Lee Ann Kim, and Sally Sherry.
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