Robt O'Sullivan hosts the Poetsperformance Open readings, in the Red Room, at Red's..
Jennifer Joseph reads from her seat where the buffalo roam..
Byron Harder drives down from Camp Pendleton to get his poetry out there..
Erik Jonsson has been a regular at the Open since our days
in Ocean Beach; Erik hails from Sweden..
Gabriel Jacques shuffling pages, and looking every bit the part of El Suavecito..
Jennifer & Gabriel putting out a poem for us which they wrote for two voices..
Julia was a student at SDSU, but had to go back home to Australia for awhile..
Here's how to email
Julia, if you'd like. to say hi..
We moved the reading out of Ocean Beach back in the fall of 1999. Here's a few
of the regulars
on our last day in OB.. that's Robt, Chris Vannoy, Lloyd Hill, Cheryl Latif and Jon Wesick..
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